Physics For Civil Engineering: Unit II: Ventilation And Refrigeration

Chilled Water Plants

Working Principle, Construction, Advantages, Disadvantages | Refrigeration

The chilled water plants are installed in large buildings, shopping mall, airport, hotel, etc.


The chilled water plants are installed in large buildings, shopping mall, airport, hotel, etc.



In the chilled water plants, the refrigerant first chills the water,which in turn chills the room air.



The schematic diagram of the chilled water plant is shown in figure 2.11.

The chilled water plants ts consists of the fo following units.

(a) Chiller

(b) Chilled water circulation

(c) Condenser water pumps

(d) Cooling Tower

(e) Water piping



In chilled water plants, the ordinary water or brine solution is chilled to very low temperatures of about 6 to 8 degree Celsius by the refrigeration plant. This chilled water is pumped to various floors of the building and its different parts.

• In each of these parts the air handling units are installed, which comprise of the cooling coil, blower and the ducts. The chilled water flows through the cooling coil.

The blower absorbs return air from the air conditioned rooms that are to be cooled via the ducts. This air passes over the cooling coil and gets cooled and is then passed into the air conditioned space.


High energy efficiency.

Easy controllability.

Longer life.

• Very less space is used.

• Water is a more space-efficient heat transfer medium than air.


• More costly to install.

• More complicated to operate. 

Physics For Civil Engineering: Unit II: Ventilation And Refrigeration : Tag: : Working Principle, Construction, Advantages, Disadvantages | Refrigeration - Chilled Water Plants