Water Supply And Wastewater Engineering: Unit V: Sewage Treatment And Disposal

Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR)

Sewage Treatment

The first is to make certain that all mechanical, electrical and control equipment is operating properly.


• The first is to make certain that all mechanical, electrical and control equipment is operating properly.

• The purpose of Fill-React operation is to add substrate (raw sewage) to the reactor. The addition of substrate or filling is controlled by a timer to a set time period. The filling operation is also controlled by level transmitter to limit filling volume upto maximum level. Usually, SBR tanks are designed to take flow as it comes into STP with all variations from peak flow to minimum flow without necessiating any equalization tank.

• The settling process is controlled by time and is usually fixed between 30 minutes to an hour so that the sludge blanket remains below the withdrawal mechanism during the next phase.

• The purpose of Decantation is to remove the clarified, treated water from the reactor.

• When starting the plant initially, the diffuser should be operated first and run continuously, otherwise the desired parameters will not be achieved. egbuia odoriw ang nilure,

• The precaution needed is to make sure that power supply is available continuously. If power supply fails, immediately bring the genseton-line.

• COD to BOD ratio indicates the biodegradabitity of the sewage. Normally, sewage will have COD to BOD ratio between 1.5 to 2. If the ratio is more than 2, entry of industrial effluents into sewer network is a possibility.

• The daily tests shall be COD, TSS, pH, Dissolve oxygen, Ammonia and dissolved phosphate. BOD can be a weekly test.

Water Supply And Wastewater Engineering: Unit V: Sewage Treatment And Disposal : Tag: : Sewage Treatment - Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR)