Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations

Problems Based On Homogeneous Equations


Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations: Examples

Problems based on Homogeneous equations

Example 1.5.1: Solve (D2 - 4DD' + 3D'2) z = 0.

Solution: Given [D2 - 4DD' + 3D'2] z = 0

The auxiliary equation is m2 - 4m + 3 = 0

[Replace D by m and D' by 1]

Solving, m2 - 3m -m +3 = 0

Since, R.H.S. is zero, there is no particular integral

Hence, the general solution is z = C.F.

+ϕ 1 (y + x) + 2 (v + 3x)


Example 1.5.2: Solve [D2 - 2DD' + D'2] z = 0.

Solution: [D2 - 2DD' + D'2]z = 0.

The auxiliary equation is m2 - 2m + 1 = 0

[Replace D by m and D' by 1]

i.e., (m - 1)2 = 0

m = 1, 1

Here, the roots are equal

.. C.F. = ϕ1( v+x) + xϕ 2 (v + x).

Since R.H.S. is zero, there is no particular integral

Hence, the general solution is z = C.F

Z = ϕ1(y+x) + xϕ 2 (y + x).


Example 1.5.3: Solve [D3 + DD2 - D2 D' – D'3] z = 0

Solution : Given [D3 + DD2 - D2 D' – D'3] z = 0

The auxiliary equation is m3 - m2 + m - - 1 = 0

 [Replace D by m and D' by 1] a

m2 (m-1) + (m − 1) = 0

 (m − 1) (m2 + 1) = 0

m = 1, m2 + 1 = 0

i.e., m = 1, m =  ±i

i.e., m = 1, m = i, m = -i

Here, the roots are distinct

.. C.F = ϕ1 (y + x) + = 02 (y+ix) + = 03 (v-ix)

Since R.H.S. is zero, there is no particular integral

Hence, the general solution is

Z = ϕ1 (y + x) + = 02 (y+ix) + = 03 (v-ix)


Example 1.5.4: Solve 2r+ 5s - 3t = 0.

Solution: The given differential equation can be written as

The auxiliary equation is 2m2 + 5m - 3 = 0

[Replace D by m and D' by 1]

2m2 + 6m-m-3 = 0

2m (m + 3) - 1 (m + 3) = 0

 (m + 3) (2m −1) = 0

m= -3, m=1/2

Here the roots are distinct.

Since R.H.S. is zero, there is no particular integral

Hence, the general solution is


Example 1.5.5 : Solve (D4 - D4) z = 0

Solution : Given (D4— D'4) z = 0

The auxiliary equation is ppppp

[Replace D by m and D' by 1]

Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations : Tag: : Examples - Problems Based On Homogeneous Equations

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