Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations

Lagrange's Linera Equation

The equation of the form Pp+ Qq= R is known as Lagrange's equation when P, Q & R are functions of x, y and z.


The equation of the form Pp+ Qq= R is known as Lagrange's equation when P, Q & R are functions of x, y and z.

Working Rule

First step: Write down the subsidiary equations

Second step: Solve the above subsidiary equations.

Let the two solutions be u=a and v=b

Third step: Then f(u, v) = 0 or u = (v) is the required

solution of P p + Qq = R

Generally, the subsidiary equation can be solved in two ways.

1. Method of Grouping

2. Method of Multipliers


1. Method of Grouping

In the subsidiary equation ppppppppppp if the variables can be separated in any pair of equations, then we get a solution of the form u (x, y) = = a and v (x, y) = b.

2. Method of Multipliers

Choose any three multipliers 1, m, n which may be constants or function of x, y, z we have

If it is possible to choose l, m, n such that IP + mQ+nR then ldx + mdy + ndz = 0

If ldx + mdy+ndz is an exact differential then on integration we  get a solution u = a.

The multipliers l, m, n are called lagrangian multipliers.

Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations : Tag: : - Lagrange's Linera Equation

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