Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT IV: Fourier Transforms


Integral transforms are used in the solution of partial differential equations. The choice of a particular transform to be used for the solution of a differential equation depends upon the nature of the boundary conditions of the equation and the facility with which the transform F(s) can be converted to give f(x).



Statement of Fourier integral theorem- Fourier transform pair- Fourier sine and cosine transforms Properties - Transforms of simple functions Convolution theorem - Parseval's identity.



Integral transforms are used in the solution of partial differential equations. The choice of a particular transform to be used for the solution of a differential equation depends upon the nature of the boundary conditions of the equation and the facility with which the transform F(s) can be converted to give f(x).

Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT IV: Fourier Transforms : Tag: : - Introduction