Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations

Exercise [formation of P.D.E by elimination of arbitrary constants (a.c.)]

Partial Differential Equations

Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations: Exercise

EXERCISE 1.1(a) 

1. From the partial differential equations by elimination the arbitrary consants a &b



EXERCISE 1.1(b) (1): Obtain the  p.d.e by eliminating a,b,c from

Note: The answer is not unique, we can get other equivalent partial differential equations.

EXERCISE 1.1(b) (2): Find the differential equation of all sphares whose radii are the same.

Sol. The equation of all spheres with equal radius can be taken as

EXERCISE 1.1(a) (3)

1. Form the partial differential equations by eliminating the arbitrary constants a,b & c from z= ax +by  + cxy

Note: The answer is not unique, we can get two other equivalent partial differential equations.

Example 1.1(b)

Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants a, b & c as the case may be

Transforms And Partial Differential Equations: UNIT I: Partial Differential Equations : Tag: : Partial Differential Equations - Exercise [formation of P.D.E by elimination of arbitrary constants (a.c.)]

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